Thursday, August 05, 2004

Orange Soda

First things first, orange soda is the shizzznittyy! Seriously, I think I could live off of this stuff. Give me a lifetime supply of orange soda and a Lazyboy recliner, euphoria will fall over the entire kingdom...

Moving on! The president made an appearance in town today. It was pretty nuts, there were people all over the place holding signs, protesting, yelling, and the whatnot. I felt like I hit a time portal that zapped me back to Birmingham, Alabama, well except for the fact that none of the protesters were black...... Ok, ok, bad comparison, but you get the picture. Anyway, I would have liked to go see the brains behind our great nation, but apparently I am a registered democrat, which I guess means that Bush doesn't represent me, because they wouldn't let registered democrats in to see him. Oh well, I had some extra time to sit up in my room and ponder the wonder of gravity, and how not even gravity could hold Bush's overinflated ego down to his body. I really am not a bitter person, I couldn't care less. If I wanted to be showered with propaganda and bullshit I would just join a cult.

"Irony: a state of affairs that appears perversely contrary to what one expects."

Isn't it ironic, when one is not allowed to see the figurehead of the "land of the free" based on one’s political beliefs or affiliation?

Also, when you are as hot as I am, and you still don't pick up women... now that is ironic...


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