Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hello From Luther College

Hey, I am back at school. I moved in a couple days ago and just started classes today. It feels good to not be working 40 hours a week and even better to be playing the saxophone on a regular basis. Other than moving in and getting my social life back into full swing I really haven't done much of anything in the past couple days. I have a couple auditions coming up, one tomorrow and another early next week, so that should be a grand ol' time and I can hardly wait.

More importantly, though, I have discovered the sweet nectar that some might call Dr. Pepper. I, on the other hand, call it addicting and phenomenal. I am like a chain smoker, only instead of smoking I reach for an ice cold can of sugary greatness. It is like a fix that I can't live with out, or maybe I could, but really wouldn't want to? It is really hard to say, this whole matter confuses the hell out of me. None the less if it wasn't for Dr. Pepper my life would be meaningless and uneventful. I mean what is better than slowly giving yourself diabetes and rotting out all of your teeth? Yeah that's right, nothing. So all you doctor pepper drinkers in the world, hold your "dp" up high and show your pride, because screw Bush, screw Kerry, when it comes to the election of 2004 I am voting for Dr. Pepper, the only candidate with a PhD in pleasure, and satisfaction.


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