Friday, February 18, 2005

Thursday? What?

So it is Thursday and I have had a few glasses of wine, sue me. I figured I would just write to you all quick because it is about time for me to hit the sack and I am pretty sure I am going to sleep like a baby tonight. Tomorrow is Friday and that excites me. I love my Fridays, all I have is three classes and two of them are done by ten. So it is the only day in the week where I get to just sit around for a vast majority of the day. I do, however have quite a few things that I need to get done before Monday. For instance I have not done laundry in almost three weeks now, and I am pretty sure I am out of underwear, which is just a horrible situation all around. So if anyone sees me around tomorrow and I seem a bit more free spirited than usual you will know why. I also have a test and some other homework due by Monday that I need to get working on. I really hate homework and I am not really good at it. All my life I have done the bare minimum of what I need to do to pass my classes or get certain people off my back. I have never really applied myself to anything so I don't really see any reason to start now. I feel that homework is for people that can not learn by themselves and most of it seems completely pointless to me. Tell me when the tests are, I might study but probably not, and I will show up and take the damn test. Please do not waste my time with all this pointless homework, I have better things to do with my evening such as drinking wine and throwing myself in front of a train. Anyway, I seem to just be rambling now (what else is new?) so I guess I will get going. Maybe you will get lucky and get to deal with my awesomeness tomorrow, but if not, do not cry there will always be another chance. So ta ta for now and I am sorry about that NAM quote last night. I am pretty sure I made that up but I might have absorbed it from somewhere. Anyway if you are a Vietnam vet I meant no offense by it, but on the other hand if you are offended I could care less. Yeah, I rule and I need to sleep and Yay for wine!

Peter Pan playing broomball is a very funny mental image!


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