Friday, July 01, 2005

I am that man.

Here I am, Mr. Adam Michael Stange, a man of 21 years of age, a man with purpose and a man with beer. Some might say that the beer could possibly be my purpose but I say "no!" I say that my purpose is far larger than anything that could be imprisoned in a twelve ounce can. "What is this great purpose?" one might ask. Well that is a good question, and I commend you on your vigor. What my purpose is, however is not important. Instead we must search for truth for in truth is purpose and the purpose of truth is understanding. So here I am, in my small log domicile in the wilderness that is known as Minnesota. I brew my own beer and eat only what I kill with my bare hands. In this is truth, a truth that is called independence which is a lost philosophy in this great nation of ours. No one preaches independence anymore, instead everyone is dependent on everyone else and I am dependent on beer, beer that is brewed by Adam Michael Stange, I am that man!

Hi Ho.


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