Sunday, August 22, 2004

How are ya?

So I have been fairly, ridiculously busy for the last couple weeks. I move back to school in less than a week and I have slightly less than a million things to do before that point. For starters, I began to practice a bit more rigorously in an attempt to build my chops up before auditions. I also have been working on my car a lot. It now runs, but it still has a lot more work before I will feel comfortable making the trip down to school. Finally, I have been pushing myself into far more physical activity, in an attempt to not be a fat blob. I still haven't maxed out my "stud potential" but I do feel a lot better and hope to be in better shape to attack the up coming school year. In short, I am looking forward to moving back to school in a week and I really hope I will be prepared.

Also, we moved my sister down to school yesterday. She is going to the University of Iowa which is about 5 hours from here. Needless to say, it was a very long day. It was worth it, however, just to see the school, and be there for my sister during one of the greatest transition points in her young life. After visiting the school, I will give it legitimate consideration as a possible transfer location for my junior year of college, next year.

In conclusion, I am very tired, and still have one more week of work. I look forward to seeing my friends from school in a week, and I hope my friends from kato give me a call within the next week to hangout before I take off. Time for me to catch my bearings before I start the week.


Monday, August 09, 2004


Today the Ska Revolution made (what I felt to be) some great steps towards completing the recording of "Show me Why." I find this kind of humorous since five of us made a trip up to the cities about two weeks ago to record in a studio at Music Tech. Today, we got more accomplished and had a lot more quality takes in a few hours than we did in four up at Music Tech. I am excited to hear the results and am really feeling good about a possible New Years show.

Also, I thought that we had my car running, but I don't think we are getting a spark. I guess there is always tomorrow. Well time for bed.


Sunday, August 08, 2004


Man I need a vacation! It is a good thing I am taking one in three days. Seriously though, I haven't had a day off of work in over 2 weeks and I get to start another week tomorrow. I kind of wish I could just sleep through a day or two, that would be superb. It also hasn't helped that my dad and I have been working on my car for the past 3 days now. We worked on it (ok, ok... he worked on it) for the entire today and accomplished nothing! I am pretty sure that it is in worse condition now than it was when we started. Whatever though, I have to work in the morning again.... Sleep is good, and so is America. Don't support terrorism, and always remember that in order to protect our freedoms, we have to give every last one of them up. I am really glad that I have Washington to think for me, because I definitely can't do it for myself.


Friday, August 06, 2004


Today is Friday, although I really wouldn't know it because I have to work at 6 AM tomorrow and Sunday. Oh well, at least I will get some OT. As much as I love making money, I am pretty much ready to head back down to Luther, and get back into the swing of things. Working a full-time job just seems so unproductive, I just don't feel like I am advancing myself at all. It is almost like highschool all over again.

Also, I am looking at getting a new car, well at least a different one. The one that I am looking at is actually older than the one I have now. I do, however, believe that it is in better condition and has a lot more "pimp potential." My dad and I are going to look at it once he gets home from work to see if it is worth the one hundred dollar price tag. Although it isn't anything spectacular, I am kind of excited for the change. The Corsica gave me four good years, but I think it might be time to move on.

Other than that, I guess it is just another day (in paradise?). I might go downtown and checkout Ribfest later. I went down there last night, and they had some pretty good music, and there was a decent crowd. So that might be exciting. Either way, I have a lot of things I could get done tonight, we will see how it goes.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Orange Soda

First things first, orange soda is the shizzznittyy! Seriously, I think I could live off of this stuff. Give me a lifetime supply of orange soda and a Lazyboy recliner, euphoria will fall over the entire kingdom...

Moving on! The president made an appearance in town today. It was pretty nuts, there were people all over the place holding signs, protesting, yelling, and the whatnot. I felt like I hit a time portal that zapped me back to Birmingham, Alabama, well except for the fact that none of the protesters were black...... Ok, ok, bad comparison, but you get the picture. Anyway, I would have liked to go see the brains behind our great nation, but apparently I am a registered democrat, which I guess means that Bush doesn't represent me, because they wouldn't let registered democrats in to see him. Oh well, I had some extra time to sit up in my room and ponder the wonder of gravity, and how not even gravity could hold Bush's overinflated ego down to his body. I really am not a bitter person, I couldn't care less. If I wanted to be showered with propaganda and bullshit I would just join a cult.

"Irony: a state of affairs that appears perversely contrary to what one expects."

Isn't it ironic, when one is not allowed to see the figurehead of the "land of the free" based on one’s political beliefs or affiliation?

Also, when you are as hot as I am, and you still don't pick up women... now that is ironic...

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Burning Bush

So here is the thing, the president of the United States of America is making an appearance in Mankato tomorrow. Although this is pretty sweet, it would be a whole lot sweeter if the guy wasn't a complete moron. Anyway, today I had to haul bleachers from N. Kato out to the giant rock crater that Bush plans to speak in. I figured the job would be pretty sweet, I mean nothing makes your morning like getting worked over by a couple of huge secret service men. I was expecting half of the U.S. armed forces to be at the site ready to protect our glorious and majestic commander in chief, it was quite the opposite.

Instead, at the site stood about 20 people, and I mean they were just standing there (one could only assume with their thumbs up their asses). One guy came and gave us some uncomprehensible orders about where to set the bleachers. Something about "put them over there, behind the stage" as he pointed in about 5 different directions and looked at the 3 or 4 stages that were starting to take form. My co-worker and myself just stood there staring at him blankly until we decided to just leave the bleachers on top of him.

The thing I found most amusing is that there were still trucks hauling gravel out of the quarry (I told you he was speaking in a giant rock crater). So as these people are trying to set up, there are trucks driving all around with loads full of rock, loaders carrying huge limestone slabs and general confusion blanketing the whole operation. It truly looked like a pleasant time.
All in all my day didn't serve much purpose..... until I got to leave work two hours early. It was at this point that the prophecies were fulfilled, the angels sang and I joined Siddhartha in nirvana (which also happens to be an excellent band that is now gently caressing my ear drums). It is truly amazing how things come full circle.

Now I look ahead to a wonderful evening of..... well... nothing! Now that is what I am talking about.

Until next time (if you're lucky),


Monday, August 02, 2004

Down With Monday!

Why does Monday even exist? I mean in our memories most Mondays are replaced by a dark void and the ones we do remember, we wish we didn't. It seems that as a society, we would be better off to just erase the existence of Monday completely. This process would be quite simple really. I petty 24 hours would just be added to Sunday night. Everyone would wake up refreshed and energized, ready to attack Tuesday. This is genius! Life would be good again. Work morale would increase exponentially while suicide and depression rates hit all time lows. I truly think this is a good idea? Is anyone with me?
Some of you might be wondering what sprung this seemingly unprovoked lash out against this "innocent" day of the week. Well truthfully it really doesn't matter, the day sucks, we all know it. Time to take it down. Ok, ok, stop begging, I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain the offenses committed. To start with I had to get up at 6:30. Yeah, yeah I know I get up at 6:30 every other day of the week also, but I only hate Mondays, so it doesn't really matter what time I get up the other 6 days. Second, once I arrived at work I had to drive around the parks in the entire city of North Mankato, emptying the garbage cans. This usually takes me like 2 1/2 hours, how long did it take me today? 4 1/2 hours! Why? Because some dumbass decided to dump a bunch of dead minnows in one of the park's garbage cans, which started to decompose and almost cause me to vomit all over some stray cat. This took me a while to clean out. Another reason why it took me an extra two hours was completely my fault, but I am still going to blame Monday, just because it was in fact Monday when these events took place. I emptied all the garbage cans and I had half a load of empty cans in the back of my truck. My only remaining task was to take the empty cans back to where I grabbed them. This would have been all fine and dandy except for the fact that I got down to one can and for the life of me couldn’t remember where the hell I got it from. I drove around the city for like 40 or 50 minutes checking all the parks until I finally found it, pretty lame. For the remainder of the day I just stood out in the extreme heat and humidity, sweating like the fat ass I am, and shoveling shit into a tractor bucket, if that isn't exciting I don't know what is.
When it comes down to it, it is quite obvious that as a general rule....... Mondays Blow! Oh well, I am home now, and I am happy. I still believe, however, that we should get rid of Monday. I am open to suggestions.


Sunday, August 01, 2004

Oh Happy Day

So I decided to change my website yet again. I never did figure out how to edit my Yahoo website after I reformatted my whole computer. Oh well, it kind of sucked anyway. Everyone will have to be patient with me as I try to figure out the html thing. Hopefully soon I will be able to figure out how to use a different, and way sweeter template. As for now, however, I am just going to use the pre-made ones provided.

Anyway, I just got back from work a short while ago, grabbed myself a doctor pepper and figured maybe I could find something productive to partake in. Instead I sat in front of this machine which surly destines my day to greatness, great indolence and despair. Fortunately, it is the weekend, which means that this day, Sunday, August 1st, was meant to be wasted.

Well, I need another DP. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Why even let them hatch? Go make some eggs, they are high in protein. Something to think about.
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